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Artists & Curator Quotes

Artists look at the world and listen to what they see.  They record what they see in their art.   AOTCE hopes that you can get inspired by reading these artists and their quotes.

"Aside from my art being a passion and expression, I also see it as both work and at times of change a sense of duty." Carlos Ramierz

   "Creating is a form of meditation for me."  Fatimah Halim

"The process is the idea and when it is worked out, it becomes art". 

Bill Sanders, Fine Art Photographer

"I think for me representational painting did not provide enough space for satisfactory self-expression."   Jide Aje

"Looking through the eyes of an artist is a wonderful gift.  You see emotions and you can depict the emotions into a medium that others can then see." Judy Bowman

"Do whatever you do so well that you become the expert." 

Beth Shook/Ceramic Artist

"I believe that a simple definition of craft vs. art may be... “if a normal person can be taught to make something, it is a craft. If inspiration comes from life experiences, individual thought and emotions, it leans towards art”.  Halldor Hjaimarson

My advice to a young aspiring curator—spend lots of time “looking” at art and asking questions about what you see.  Stephanie James

"Follow you heart and dreams because there is only one of you and we Need You."  Tiesha Harrison

"I never really loved to do anything else but create art"  Shakur

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